Signing Up
You must sign up in order to do any of the following on the support portal:
- View your tickets
- View your colleagues' tickets
- Submit a new ticket
There are 2 ways to sign up. Select the one appropriate to you.
Single Sign On with Office 365
If your organisation utilises Office 365, you can utilise single sign on as follows. This means that you don't need a separate account to access the PAG support portal.
- Navigate here:
- Click the Office 365 icon

- Depending on whether you are already signed in or not, you may be prompted to login to your work account. Follow the prompts and login using your work account if prompted.
- Once logged in to your work account, you will be prompted to allow Zoho Desk to sign you in and read your profile. This permission provides our support portal access to check that your email address is valid and active in your organisation.
Email Address and Password
If you utilise this method, then you can opt to move to Single Sign on with Office 365 at a later date if you use your work email address.
View Existing Tickets
Here you will be able to view all your current and historical tickets, as well as those of your colleagues.
Submit a New Ticket
First, search the Knowledge Base. This can be done by typing into the search box on the main portal home page ( This will return any relevant articles that may help assist you resolve your issue. If there are no relevant articles, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Submit a ticket.
Subject and Description
Enter a subject and description. In the description include relevant screenshots and as much information as possible to help resolve the issue. Step-by-step instructions of how to replicate the problem will make it easier for our team to quickly identify the cause of the of the issue and resolve it.
Select the product that your issue is occurring in. This will help us assign your ticket to the most appropriate person.
Select support for any support related queries. If you would like to raise a change request, enhancement, software upgrade or other non-support issue, select Change Request.
Priority (Service Level Agreement)

For all non-production issues, the priority is low.
For Change Requests, the priority will be managed via your designated Process Automation Group contact and not by the SLA below.
For production issues, follow the process below to select the appropriate priority.
1. Select the description that is the closest to the issue being experienced.
| Description
| A major incident affecting all users of the solution with no viable work around.
| An incident affecting the majority of users of the solution where no viable work around is available. |
| Any incident affecting a majority of users with a viable work around available. |
| Any incident affecting a minority of users with a viable work around available. |
| Requests scheduled in advance. |
2. Select the description that is the closest to the issue being experienced.
| Description
| No viable workaround and multiple user functionality affected.
| No viable workaround and single user functionality affected. |
| Viable workaround exists. |
3. Combine the impact and urgency to select the appropriate priority.
Urgency / Impact
| Major
| Large
| Moderate
| Minor
| Scheduled
| P1 - Critical
| P2 - High
| P3 - Medium
| P4 - Low | P5 - Planned
| P2 - High
| P3 - Medium
| P4 - Low | P4 - Low | P5 - Planned |
| P3 - Medium
| P4 - Low
| P4 - Low | P4 - Low | P5 - Planned |